Cambridge Botanic Garden held its Apple Day on Sunday 23 October 2022. It is said that 10 such days had been held annually in pre-covid times, and, before the event became annual, there had been intermittent celebrations.*
Unlike many (most?) apple days, the Cambridge event is very much aimed at adults instead of children. The tasting tent, in which samples of 29 varieties of dessert apples were available for tasting and sale, was particularly popular attracting long queues.
In another tent where ‘apple identification and advice’ were offered and local apple varieties were displayed, people who had brought along samples waited for their fruits to be identified.
*According to a press release prepared by the Botanic Garden that year, their 7th Annual Apple Celebration would take place on Sunday 26 October 2003.
Comment by Wade MacMorrighan, Menlo, Iowa, October 2022: ‘I don’t think we have Apple Day in the US as it’s not something that I’ve ever heard of before now. We used to make apple-head dolls from apples in elementary school as a folk craft.’
Updated 25 October 2023.