Many Christian churches observe the four Sundays before Christmas as Advent, during which they anticipate the commemoration of Christ’s birth on 25 December. As has been noted elsewhere on this website, many Anglican churches do not allow floral decorations throughout this time, but display Advent wreaths.
The churches at Plaxtol and Shipbourne, in Kent, were visited on 28 December 2016, the day after the first Sunday in Advent.
At Plaxtol church there were no flowers, but the windowsills had candles decorated with ivy (Hedera helix) leaves place on them – presumably left there from an Advent carol service held the previous evening – and a small Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) pot plant was placed beside the altar in the side chapel. Pride of place was given to the Advent wreath, consisting of evergreen foliage, with four red and one white candle.
St Giles at Shipbourne was devoid of any floral decorations, apart from its Advent wreath which was similar to that at Plaxtol.
Image: Advent wreath, Plaxtol church (this church is unusual in that it is not dedicated to a saint; it is said that this is due to it being built in 1649, during Cromwellian times).