
Collecting the folklore and uses of plants

Event, Saturday 13 November

Where do they all come from? –  a botanical exploration of our local pavements with Roy Vickery, Saturday 13 November 2021, Lavender Hill, London Borough of Wandsworth, a contribution to the Wandsworth Together Climate Change Festival, held at the Battersea Arts Centre from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Nearest station Clapham Junction.  Meet at the junction of Lavender Hill with Town Hall Road, at 1 p.m., and continuing for about 30 minutes.  Free, all welcome.

Report:  The Festival was well attended,  but its main value appears to have been providing people who were already involved in environmental concerns with an  opportunity to network, few members of the ‘general public’ seemed to be present.  One person attended the walk, but we were able to spend a happy 30 minutes or so discussing the plants growing in planters and on the pavements of Town Hall Road.

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