
Collecting the folklore and uses of plants

Geraniums commemorate plague outbreak

Posted on by royvickery |

103The Derbyshire village of Eyan is famous for the way in which it isolated itself following an outbreak of bubonic plague in 1665, thus preventing it from spreading to other local communities.  Between the summer of 1665 and November 1666 some 260 villagers died.

The Eyam Village Society has suggested that people plant red geraniums [Pelargonium cvs] to mark the 350th anniversary of the plague:  ‘This would be appropriate as Pelargoniums were introduced to Britain in the mid seventeenth century and were popular for gardens and nosegays to counteract smells because to the long lasting scent from their leaves.’ [Parish News, Eyam, Foolow, July & August 2015].

Image:  Eyam, 25 July 2015.

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