
Collecting the folklore and uses of plants

Queen Elizabeth’s Accession Oak

Posted on by royvickery |


It is said that Queen Elizabeth I was sitting under an oak (Quercus) in the park of Hatfield House, Hertfordshire, when she was informed that she had succeeded to the throne, following the death of her half-sister, Queen Mary.  Since this took place on 17 November 1558,  perhaps this seems improbable.  It is not known when the original tree disappeared, but on 22 July 1985 Queen Elizabeth II planted a replacement tree on its supposed site.

Photograph taken July 2019.

Postcard, ‘Queen Elizabeth’s Oak, Hatfield Park; Queen Elizabeth is said to have been sitting under this oak when she ws informed of her accession to the throne’, posted 18 July 1904.

Updated 28 December 2021.


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