Leeds City Museum is appealing for people to cover a ‘giant map’ at the Museum with sunflowers, Helianthus annuus, for World Refugee Day, 20 June 2023.
‘We want to mark World Refugee Day … and raise awareness for people who have come to Leeds to seek sanctuary. We want to listen, show compassion, offer support, and give refugee communities a platform, so we can come together and celebrate contributions to culture, art and the city.
Growing in even the hardiest of environments, sunflowers symbolise strength and resilience. There are more than 80 types of sunflower variations, and their yellow colour is associated with joy and positivity.
We are inviting individuals, groups, and school children across Leeds to make their own sunflowers, which will be displayed … at Leeds City Museum during World Refugee Week, 20th June – 25th June.’