CORRECTION: This exhibition is at the Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Kassel, not in Berlin.
The German cultural organisation AsKI ( has produced an exhibition Verwandlung – Sterben und Trauer (Metamorphosis – Death and Grief) which is on display at its Berlin headquarters until 15 May 2015.
The final part of the exhibition ‘is a amoving memorial to the dead of the Great War … Like ours, the memorial is based on poppies but, where we had 9000,000 poppies, each representing a dead British of Commonwealth soldier, the German installation is smaller but much more inclusive, a stark reminder of the many millions of soldiers and civilians all over the world who died in World War I. The installation has 17,000 poppy petals, hanging like blood clots on thin thread, each representing the death of 10,000 soldiers and civilians, an estimated 9 million soldiers worldwide and 6 million civilians.’
See Cathy Mercer, Verwandlung – Sterben und Trauer (Metamorphosis – Death and Grief), German World War I Exhibition, in FONC [Friends of Nunhead Cemetery] News, 127: 7-9, Spring 2015.
Image: Installation created by pupils of Year 5 of Horfield Church of England School, Redcliffe Remembers, St Mary Redcliffe church, Bristol, February 2015.