
Collecting the folklore and uses of plants


1. Raspberry leaves for a tea to help with the symptoms of menopause – from paternal grandfather, approx. 1958, Oxfordshire [Horniman Museum, London, September 2013].

2. Raspberry leaf is a great muscle relaxant. I used to take it for period pains – it worked better than paracetamol or any conventional analgesic [Cliftonville, Kent, January 2012].

3. Many years ago when I kept dairy goats … at kidding time I fed them raspberry leaves to ease birthing [Chapelhope, Selkirk, April 2002].

4. [Old Woking, Surrey] raspberry vinegar for sore throats [Addlestone, Surrey, September 1995].

5. Raspberry leaves – an ancient cure for period pains [Ballymote, Co. Sligo, May 1994].

Images:  main, cultivated, Flanders Field Community Garden, East Ham, London Borough of Newham, July 2014; inset, wild, Biggar, South Lanarkshire, September 2022.