No systematic collecting was undertaken during February, consequently only four items of information, from three contributors, were received. The Archive now holds 6114 items of information from 1444 contributors.
Other additions to the Archive include one press-cutting and five postcards, four of which depict the Watford fig (Ficus carica) tree (see fig under ‘Materials Collected).*
Much time was spent updating the Local Names database from which the ‘Local Names’ page on the website is derived.
41 searches of the website were made during the month.
*this tree, which died in the 1960s, was said to have grown from the tomb of an athiest:
‘He did not believe in a hereafter and wished, when buried, to have something placed with his remains that might grow to prove to his relatives that his soul was alive; if nothing appeared they would know that he had been right all along.’
According to Jennifer Westwood and Jacqueline Simpson, in their Lore of the Land, London, 2005, p.353, ‘at least forty versions’ of postcards depicting the fig were produced.