20 items of information were received from 12 contributors during the month, bringing the total to 8083 items from 2482 contributors.
The winner of the annual Katharine Briggs Folklore Award was announced on 29 October. Established by the Folklore Society in 1982 this award is given to a book published in Britain and Ireland which the judges consider to have ‘made the most distinguished contribution to folklore studies’. 47 books were entered in 2019. Eight of these were short-listed, with the winner being Guy Beiner’s Social Forgetting & Vernacular Historiography in Ulster. Vickery’s Folk Flora and Nigel Kelsey’s Games, Rhymes & Word-play of London Children, ed. J.E. Alton & J.D.A. Widdowson, were declared to be joint runners-up.
A start was made on extracting ethnovetinary material from the Archive for forwarding to people at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, who are surveying such matters in Britain and Ireland.
Image: flowers on recently filled grave, Camberwell New Cemetery, London Borough of Southwark, 27 October 2019.
Edited 14 November 2011.