Again little material was collected during the month; six items of information being received from six contributors, bringing the totals to 8992 items of information from 3059 contributors.
Although some interesting correspondence was received via the website – thank you Jane Lawson and Kirsty Stevens – it was disappointing that no response was received to a request for Cornish plant-lore. 15 posts were added to the website’s blog.
One walk, Signs of Spring, was led for the Friends of Tooting Common, and three minor publications were produced:
Cemetery flora: Hogweed, Heracleum sphondylium, FONC News 155: 9-10.
Arbutus unedo, Friends of Brompton Cemetery Magazine 73: 5.
Wild yarrow, Friends of Brompton Cemetery Magazine 73: 14-15.
Image: placards depicting sunflower, Helianthus annuus, the national flower of Ukraine, carried on the London Stands by Ukraine demonstration, Westminster, 26 March 2022.
Edited 7 April 2022.