
Collecting the folklore and uses of plants

Plant-lore Archive: November 2017

26 items of information were received from 14 contributors during the month, so the Archive now contains 7614 items from 2154 contributors; thank you everyone.

6498 searches were made of the website, up from 5030 in November 2016.

A number of talks were given and two walks led, but activities focused on the writing of the Folk Flora, which, although progress has been less rapid than planned, should be sent to its publisher at the end of the year.

One minor publication was produced:

Bramble arches, Friends of Brompton Cemetery Newsletter 58: 2-3.

Image: wreath of glory lily, Gloriosa superba, the national flower of Zimbabwe, placed on the ‘In Memoriam Rhodesia’ plot in the Field of Remembrance, Westminster Abbey, London, 12 November 2017.

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