
Collecting the folklore and uses of plants

Purple poppies

Posted on by royvickery |

160Remembrance of Animals in War
Quaker Concern for Animals ‘members and friends sold Animal Aid purple poppies and laid wreaths at some seven services over the country on November 10 2013. This is the fifth year of our involvement and the popularity of the poppies is increasing year by year’ [Quaker Concern for Animals, Spring 2014: 6].

Update, 13 August 2017:  More recently purple poppies have been abandoned, it being thought that people might consider animals to be ‘valiant servants of people, rather than innocent victims of war’.  The poppies have been replaced by a purple-paw badge, which commemorates all animals that are victims of human exploitation [; accessed December 2016].

Image: detail of wreath in remembrance of ‘animals who have lost their lives as a result of human conflict’, Sheffield War Memorial, Barker’s Pool, Sheffield, South Yorkshire; July 2015.

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