
Collecting the folklore and uses of plants

REMINDER: Events 16 and 17 July

Posted on by royvickery |

Two events coming up, neither of which are directly associated with plant folklore:

Friday 16 July, 11.00- c.12.30 p.m.:  Plant hunt in St Leonard’s churchyard, Streatham, London Borough of Lameth.

Report:  Four of us spent about 90 minutes wandering around the churchyard, where despite grass mowing and building works going on we were able to record almost 100 species, including a number which had not been recorded in previous years, such as annual mercury, Mercurialis annua and lady’s bedstraw, Galium verum.

Saturday 17 July, 11.00 a.m. – c. 1.00 p.m.: Wildlife recording in Battersea Rise Cemetery, London Borough of Wandsworth.

Report:  Again four people turned up, and again we spent about 90 minutes recording any birds, butterflies and plants which we felt we could accurately identify.  The lists have not yet been compiled, but we agreed it had been an enjoyable and worthwhile morning.

For further details see the Events page on the website.

Image:  examining ash, Fraxinus excelsior, during a Herbal Heritage walk in St Leonard’s churchyard, September 2017, © Carlos Bruzon.

Edited 20 August 2021.

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