Roy Vickery will be leading three walks, all in the London area, on 20-22 July:
Saturday 20: Herbal Heritage, Waterloo Millennium Green, 2.30 p.m. Report: Six people enjoyed a slow walk around the Green discussing past uses of many of the common plants found there.
Sunday 21: Summer Wildflowers, Wandsworth Common, 2.30 p.m. Report: About 16 people spent 90 minutes or so studying plants on a small part of the Common; feedback included:
‘It was well constructed, at a good pace for a mixed group, and it was clear that not only we, but all participants, enjoyed it.’
‘It was delightful.’
Monday 22: Plant Walk, Tooting Common, 7.00 p.m. Report: About eight people turned up on a beautiful summer’s evening for a gentle stroll around the Amphibia Pools area (formerly Reed Bed, formerly Ecology Pond, and before that Boating Pond) examining the plants which grow there, including viper’s bugloss, Echium vulgare, which seems to have introduced when the Boating Pond became an Ecology Pond, and which is unknown elsewhere on the Common,
For further details see the Events page on this website.
Image: viper’s bugloss, Tooting Common, July 2019.
Edited 26 March 2024.