
Collecting the folklore and uses of plants

REMINDER: Wonderful weeds

Posted on by royvickery |

Roy Vickery will be leading a Wonderful Weeds walk, around the Roupell Park Estate, Brixton Hill, London Borough of Lambeth, on  Friday 9 October, starting at 11 a.m., for details see the Events page of this website.

Report:  Only two people had booked for this event, but both turned up, and we spent a pleasant time, dodging maintenance people who were busy strimming.  Four-leaved manyseed, Polycarpon tetraphyllum, first found here in 2018, continues to thrive, possibly encouraged by the constant grass-cutting, which is also encouraging a species of stork’s-bill, Erodium, a genus which seems to be spreading rapidly in south London this year.

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