Thursday 1 August, Urban Botany, a walk around Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, London Borough of Lambeth, starting at 11 a.m. and continuing for about an hour. All welcome, but booking necessary. For further details please see the Events page on this website.
Report: Seven people, rather fewer than usual for walks on this site, turned up, and six of them stayed until the end. A variety of cultivated, naturalized and native plants were discussed, starting with annual mercury, Mercurialis annua, which has its UK stronghold in southeast England, a finishing with Jersey cudweed, Laphangium luteoalbum, formerly considered to be extremely rare in England, but in recent years becoming widespread, and sometimes abundant, in urban areas, on pavements and other paved areas.
‘That was very interesting.’
Image: Jersey cudweed, Glasshouse Walk, Vauxhall, August 2024.